Buccaneer Lunch, Saturday, April 25, 2015
A Rambunctious and piratical event! Thirty Rams and Ramettes were shanghaied into the Panama Café in the Buccaneer Lounge on beautiful St Andrew Bay on Saturday, April 25, 2015. The Buccaneer staff went out of their way to decorate the tables in black and gold livery and the bay view was not disappointing - even though it was overcast and blustery Too rough for amateur pirates!. Notable attendees were Class President, Roger and his wife Marty who traveled from Tennessee to the luncheon. Tom Watts came from Tallahassee as did Hillman Brannon and his wife Lin and Sally (Ray) Huston and her shipmate Larry. Classmate Larry Marshall made his first lunch event with us - welcome Larry! If you missed it - you can still make the one in July 2015 (the last one before the 50th Reunion celebration.
Judy and Jimmy Yates
The RHS 65 spy in Dothan.
Roger and Marty Dabbs
Passing through to Mississippi to look for the Mississippi State
football team - they apparently disappeared last season.
Szanne (Wheeler) Scott
Where's my husband?
Tom Watts
Suave, articulate, debonaire ... need we say more?
Gay Bush
OK - I was on time today!
Lin and Hillman Brannon
"Bullet Bob" Jernigan
Pat (Boykin) Campbell
"Your monkey is hanging out ..."
Brenda McNeil and Don Bruner
One of these two is good lookin'
Larry Scachetti and Sally (Ray) Huston
Doug and Ann (Grainger) Kitts
Doug graced us with Grace today.
Bobby Hill
Always there for RHS 65
Tommy and Gayle (Blair) Marshall
Gayle is pretty even though Tommy is in the picture.
Anna Miskemin
Judy (Self) Bush and Sally (Ray) Huston
Gayle (Blair) Marshall
(Still beautiful even without Tommy)
Connie (Plough) Morris
Seriously thinking about joining the LFL ...
David and Susan Riley
A nicer couple was never seen.
Larry Marshall
First time with us. Don't blink Larry!
Janell Parnell
Always great to see Janell.